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Web Assignments

Web Assignments

1) Inventory web supports for mental health and mental health difficulties (3 hrs)
a. Browse the Internet for relevant web sites, support materials, organisations, interactive materials, etc.
b. Make notes and save links
c. Comment on each finding in terms of what it offers, how useful it is, and for whom. Note fundamental assumptions about mental health as expressed in these materials.
2) On line Mental Health Hazards (3 hrs)
a. Again browse the Internet for relevant Web Sites, support materials, organisations, interactive materials, etc.
b. Make notes and save links (you may revisit materials for Assignment 1)
c. This time try to establish whether the materials or its use present hazards to the mental health of the public. What are the hazards?
This assignment will not be marked but your findings must be posted on Blackboard to share with the class (details will follow).

Academic Presentation
• All assignments must be word-processed.
• All assignments must include a fully completed School’s “Submission Form for Assignments” to include: Student name, student ID no., Year of Intake, Module, Date of Submission, Assignment Title, Module Leader, Word Limit, Actual Word Count and Student’s signature
• All assignments must include a title page (please see research dissertation guidelines for an example of a title page).
• All assignments must include a list of contents (including page numbers).
• All assignments must have pages numbered sequentially.
• All assignments must use the Harvard Referencing System.
Note: Undertake a spelling and grammar check on the final draft of your assignment. Read it carefully prior to submission. You are also required to submit an electronic version via TurnItIn. When you have submitted an assignment via the Turn-it-in website you must print off a copy of the Turnitin ‘Originality Report’.

A hard copy of the first page of a Turnitin Originality Report must be submitted together with the hard copy of the assignment to the School of Nursing and Midwifery on or before the submission date. Retain a copy on disk as well as a hard copy.

Aleman, André Larøi, Frank (2008). Hallucinations: The science of idiosyncratic perception. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, vii, 317 pp.
Aronson, E. (2004) The Social Animal (9th Ed). New York: Worth.
Bentall, R (2009/2010) Doctoring the Mind: Why psychiatric treatment fails, London: Penguin Books.
Bracken P & Thomas P (2005) Postpsychiatry: Mental health in a postmodern world (International perspectives in philosophy and psychiatry), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brennan D. (2014), Irish Insanity 1800:2000, Oxon: UK and New York: USA & Canada, Routledge
Buss, D.M. (1999) Evolutionary Psychology: the new science of the mind. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Compton, W.C. (2005) An Introduction to Positive Psychology. Belmont (CA): Thomson /Wadsworth.
Charney, D.S. & Nestler E.J (Eds) (2009) The Neurobiology of mental illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Foucault, M. (1967), Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, Great Britain: Tavistock.
Foucault, M. (1973) The Birth of the Clinic, Great Britain: Tavistock.
Goffman, E, (1963) Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity, UK: Prentice-Hall.
Goffman, E. (1961) Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates, U.S.A: Anchor Books & Co.
Higgins and Mc Daid (eds) (2014) Mental Health In Ireland: Policy, Practice and Law, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan
Illich, I. (1976) Limits to Medicine, Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.
Illich, I. (1977) Disabling Professionals, London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.
Kutchins, H; Kirk, S. (1997) Making Us Crazy: DSM- The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders. Constable, London: The Free Press, a division of Simon and Schuster, Inc.
Moncrieff, J (2008/2009) The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A critique of psychiatric drug treatment, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave/MacMillan.
Prior P. (Ed) (2012) Asylums, Mental Health Care and the Irish, Dublin, Irish Academic Press
Turner, B. S. (1995) Medical Power and Social Knowledge: 2nd Edition, London: Sage.
Turner, B. S. (1996) The Body and Society: Explorations in Social Theory, London: Sage.
Weinstein, J. (Ed) (2010) Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery. London: Jessica.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Web Assignments

Web Assignments

1) Inventory web supports for mental health and mental health difficulties (3 hrs)
a. Browse the Internet for relevant web sites, support materials, organisations, interactive materials, etc.
b. Make notes and save links
c. Comment on each finding in terms of what it offers, how useful it is, and for whom. Note fundamental assumptions about mental health as expressed in these materials.
2) On line Mental Health Hazards (3 hrs)
a. Again browse the Internet for relevant Web Sites, support materials, organisations, interactive materials, etc.
b. Make notes and save links (you may revisit materials for Assignment 1)
c. This time try to establish whether the materials or its use present hazards to the mental health of the public. What are the hazards?
This assignment will not be marked but your findings must be posted on Blackboard to share with the class (details will follow).

Academic Presentation
• All assignments must be word-processed.
• All assignments must include a fully completed School’s “Submission Form for Assignments” to include: Student name, student ID no., Year of Intake, Module, Date of Submission, Assignment Title, Module Leader, Word Limit, Actual Word Count and Student’s signature
• All assignments must include a title page (please see research dissertation guidelines for an example of a title page).
• All assignments must include a list of contents (including page numbers).
• All assignments must have pages numbered sequentially.
• All assignments must use the Harvard Referencing System.
Note: Undertake a spelling and grammar check on the final draft of your assignment. Read it carefully prior to submission. You are also required to submit an electronic version via TurnItIn. When you have submitted an assignment via the Turn-it-in website you must print off a copy of the Turnitin ‘Originality Report’.

A hard copy of the first page of a Turnitin Originality Report must be submitted together with the hard copy of the assignment to the School of Nursing and Midwifery on or before the submission date. Retain a copy on disk as well as a hard copy.

Aleman, André Larøi, Frank (2008). Hallucinations: The science of idiosyncratic perception. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, vii, 317 pp.
Aronson, E. (2004) The Social Animal (9th Ed). New York: Worth.
Bentall, R (2009/2010) Doctoring the Mind: Why psychiatric treatment fails, London: Penguin Books.
Bracken P & Thomas P (2005) Postpsychiatry: Mental health in a postmodern world (International perspectives in philosophy and psychiatry), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brennan D. (2014), Irish Insanity 1800:2000, Oxon: UK and New York: USA & Canada, Routledge
Buss, D.M. (1999) Evolutionary Psychology: the new science of the mind. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Compton, W.C. (2005) An Introduction to Positive Psychology. Belmont (CA): Thomson /Wadsworth.
Charney, D.S. & Nestler E.J (Eds) (2009) The Neurobiology of mental illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Foucault, M. (1967), Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, Great Britain: Tavistock.
Foucault, M. (1973) The Birth of the Clinic, Great Britain: Tavistock.
Goffman, E, (1963) Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity, UK: Prentice-Hall.
Goffman, E. (1961) Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates, U.S.A: Anchor Books & Co.
Higgins and Mc Daid (eds) (2014) Mental Health In Ireland: Policy, Practice and Law, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan
Illich, I. (1976) Limits to Medicine, Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.
Illich, I. (1977) Disabling Professionals, London: Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.
Kutchins, H; Kirk, S. (1997) Making Us Crazy: DSM- The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders. Constable, London: The Free Press, a division of Simon and Schuster, Inc.
Moncrieff, J (2008/2009) The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A critique of psychiatric drug treatment, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave/MacMillan.
Prior P. (Ed) (2012) Asylums, Mental Health Care and the Irish, Dublin, Irish Academic Press
Turner, B. S. (1995) Medical Power and Social Knowledge: 2nd Edition, London: Sage.
Turner, B. S. (1996) The Body and Society: Explorations in Social Theory, London: Sage.
Weinstein, J. (Ed) (2010) Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery. London: Jessica.

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